Under module select the appropriate module (in my case, GM5.C06 as discussed above). Your car’s module version will vary depending on the age of the car, whether the module was ever replaced, etc. In the example below, you’ll note mine says GM5.C06. AFTER reading the module, make note of the version of the GM5 module.You may see a notepad window open up with a bunch of parameters – close that. NCS Expert will now read the configuration from your GM5 module. Now click on the “Reading ECU” button.In this case, the option we’re interested in is stored in the GM5 module, so select that. You’ll now see the list of modules your car should have.First hit “back” on NCS Expert and now you will see a button labeled “Process ECU”, click that.Let us say for example you want to be able to close your windows via remote. changing the VO/ZCS without also coding modules will not actually change how your car functions). They do not directly impact the code itself (i.e.

These strings tell the coding software how to code your car. These are stored in 2 separate modules on the car. The VO and ZCS are basically a list of options and official retrofits your car has.The GM, SA, and VN together are collectively known as a ZCS. If your car was built earlier, you’ll see 3 different entries (GM, SA, VN) with hexadecimal strings afterwards. You will sometimes see the “FA” referred to as a “VO” or “Vehicle Order” – these are interchangeable terms. If your car is built 09/2002 or later you’ll see a field labeled “FA” with a long string.You’ll now see your VIN by FG (It might just be the last 7 digits that are correct, that is OK).If your car was built earlier, pick EWS or KMB.If your car is built in 09/2001 or later, you’ll want to pick AKMB or ALSZ (both should have the same options stored unless your car has been messed with in the past).In the E46 you’ll see 4 different options: AKMB, ALSZ, EWS, and KMB.Open NCS Expert, click File -> Load Profile and choose “Expert Mode w/ Manipulation”.Starting NCS Expert and Reading the Vehicle Order / ZCS NCS Dummy (not technically required for coding, but this guide will assume you have it and are using it).